Stocklist 2024/2025
Below you will find our current stocklist, divided into broadleaves and conifers.
– The availability of the stock is shown in this list in column X:
? For species and/or sizes that are uncertain.
X For species and/or sizes that are sold out.
– Everything in this list is subject to the germination from the seeds and growth from the plants. Fresh sowing June 2024 is also subject to the availibility of good qualitative seeds.
– On our prodcuts applies a minimum quantitative order and -delivery from 500 pieces per species cell, age, size or provenance.
Acer palmatum atrop. P204 Fresh sowing June 2025
X P204 1+0
Berberis julianae P204 Fresh sowing June 2025
X P204 1+0
P204 2+0
Berberis thunbergii atrop. X P204 Fresh sowing June 2025
X P204 1+0
Carpinus betulus P204 Fresh sowing June 2025
P204 1+0
P126 Fresh sowing June 2025
X P40 P+1
Cornus kousa P204 Fresh sowing June 2025
X P204 1+0
Cornus kousa chinensis P204 Fresh sowing June 2025
X P204 1+0
Cotinus coggygria P204 Fresh sowing June 2025
Cotoneaster franchetii P204 Fresh sowing June 2025
X P204 1+0
Cotoneaster lacteus P204 Fresh sowing June 2025
P204 1+0
Cytisus scoparius P204 Fresh sowing June 2025
Ilex aquifolium P204 Fresh sowing June 2025
X P204 1+0
Liquidambar styraciflua P204 Fresh sowing June 2025
P204 1+0
P204 1+0 Extra
Magnolia kobus X P126 1+0
Syringa vulgaris P204 1+0
X P204 2+0
Ulex europaeus P204 Fresh sowing June 2025
Abies alba X P204 1+0
X P204 2+0 RO
Abies concolor P204 1+0 USA
P204 P+1 USA
Abies grandis X P204 1+0 D/830-02 + DK/Valskov
P40 P+1 D/830-02 + DK/Valskov
P40 P+1+1 DK/Valskov
Abies koreana X P204 1+0 DK
X P204 P+1 DK
X P40 P+1 DK
P40 P+2 DK
Abies nordmanniana X P204 1+0 Different provenances
P204 2+0 Different provenances
X P40 P2+2 Different provenances
Abies procera P204 1+0 DK
Cedrus deodara ? P204 Fresh sowing GE, June 2025
X P204 1+0 GE
X P40 P+1 GE
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana X P204 1+0 DK
X P40 P+1 DK
Cryptomeria japonica X P204 1+0
Ginkgo biloba X P126 1+0
P40 P+1
X P9 P+1
Juniperus virginiana P204 1+0
X P40 P+1
Larix decidua X P204 1+0 D/837-03
X P40 P+1 D/837-03
Larix eurolepis X P204 1+0 DK
X P40 P+1 DK
Larix leptolepis = kaempferi X P204 1+0 DK/Tisvilde
X P40 P+1 DK
Metasequoia glyptostroboides X P204 1+0
Picea abies X P204 1+0 DE + NL
X P204 P+1 DE
P40 P+1 DE + NL
P40 P+1+1 DE+NL
Picea omorika P204 1+0 RS
P204 P+1 RS
Picea pungens glauca Kaibab P204 1+0 USA
Picea pungens Majestic Blue P204 1+0 USA
Picea pungens Super Blue Seedling X P204 1+0
Pinus armandii X P40 P+1
Pinus cembra P204 1+0 AT/Zirbe 4
P204 P+1 AT/Zirbe 4
Pinus griffithii = wallichiana P204 1+0
P204 P+1
Pinus mugo mughus X P204 1+0
? P40 P+1
X P40 P+2
Pinus mugo pumilio P204 1+0
P204 2+0
P40 P+1
P40 P+2
Pinus mugo uncinata X P204 1+0 DK + FR
X P126 1+0 FR
X P40 P+1 DK
Pinus nigra nigra P204 1+0 BG
X P40 P+1 BG + SI
Pinus nigra Koekelare X P204 1+0 NL/Waterbloem
P126 1+0 NL/Waterbloem
X P40 P+1 NL/Waterbloem
Pinus nigra pyramidalis X P204 1+0
Pinus peuce X P204 1+0 DK/Truust
X P204 P+1 DK/Truust
X P40 P+1 DK/Truust
Pinus ponderosa X P204 1+0 USA
Pinus strobus X P204 1+0
Pinus sylvestris X P204 1+0 DK + NL
P126 1+0 NL/Grubbenvorst
P40 P+1 DK + NL
Pseudotsuga menziesii P204 1+0 DE + NL
P40 P+1 DE + NL
Sequoiadendron giganteum X P204 1+0
X P40 P+1
Taxus baccata P204 1+0 1 plant per cell
X P204 1+0 2 plants per cell
X P40 P+1
P40 P+1+1
Thuja orientalis X P204 1+0
Thuja plicata P204 1+0 DK
X P40 P+1 DK
Tsuga canadensis X P204 1+0
X P204 P+1
X P40 P+1
Tsuga heterophylla P204 1+0 DK
X P40 P+1 DK